Personal Political Socialization Examples

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Another major political socialization agent that helped me shaped my political opinions were my friends. Many of my best friends are part of the LGBT community and have very strong opinions when it comes to politics. Since I am surrounded with friends most of the time because I am at school most of the day, they have made me realize that it was unfair that they were not able to get married when they wanted to because it was not allowed in most states. All of my friends also vowed not to get married until all the fifty states in America allowed same-sex couples to get married. I supported their decision and agreed because if they are happy, I am happy as well. I understood that if I did not agree with them then we were not going to be friends …show more content…

I also hang out with people who have the same belief as me because they share the same ideas and are very supportive. Many of my friends as well are into politics and say that the more educated you are the easier it is to understand government but people have to have an open mind to change. My friends have had a great influence in me and my participation in government because now I want to participate in government.
Finally, another major political socialization agent that have shaped my political opinion is the media. The media influences range from television shows from celebrities. Television shows like Modern Family are shows that are my favorite. Although they come out on the channel network Fox, and Fox is conservative they still show the show where they have an a same-sex couple who has a child. When Modern Family first showed their episode when the same-sex couple was getting ready to adopted a child, I agreed that they have a right to be able to adopt a child. There are issues on whether same-sex couples should adopt children because if same-sex couples adopt children there is one gender missing and people believe that the child will grow up the same as the parents. I believe that