Political Typology Analysis

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When I took the Political Typology Quiz, I got the result that I fit in the Solid Liberals group. From what I found in my reading, Solid Liberals are highly educated, politically engaged, and hold consistently liberal values. They strongly advocate for new opinions and social safety. They also view the current economic system as unfair and see economic inequality as a major problem in the country. Solid Liberals favor immigrants and believe in being open to people from other countries since it helps our country build up. When it comes to racial discrimination and women facing unfair treatments to gain achievement, they feel that more work and change need to be done. They also believe in same-sex marriage and homosexuality being accepted in …show more content…

I believe that education is important and is key to success, but I don't consider myself to be very politically engaged. I feel that my personality favors direct change rather that indirect change that takes a long time, which is how I see politics. The belief that I do agree with is being open to different opinions and advocating for everyone's safety. I also think that the current economic system is unfair and favors the wealthy people and can be very bias, but I also do not put total blame on the economy and believe that people are also responsible for where they get because hard work and determination are important to achieve not just your dreams, but also, your status. There is definitely economic inequality in the country, and this is caused by a mix of both factors of the current economic system and people's choices in life. As for immigrants, I do agree that immigrants should be allowed in the country and help our country build up and prosper. I always think of our country as a melting pot and support welcoming other people from other countries. As for racial discrimination and obstacles to women's achievement, I do agree that these problems need more work to make a change. Nowadays, there is more equality being shown, but there is never a complete equality among people due to race and gender, and that needs to end fully, whether it's about getting a job or just in general, such as stopping