Christian Response To Slavery In The United States

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Christianity and slavery share a long and complicated history. This assumption makes believers today seem wrong in their thinking. On the other hand, it is important to consider how Christianity has sought to justify modern slavery as erroneous. There are eight simple statements to help settle this. God's law permitted Israel to enslave people. Some Israelites served for life. There were foreign enslaved people in Israel. Israelite servants had protection and rights. Slavery in the New Testament? The New Testament tells enslaved people to obey their masters. Slavery in the United States is wrong. Christian response to slavery in the present day. For more information on this topic, slavery most likely started 5000 years ago. This happened when …show more content…

Debt is a big thing in the Bible. When a person had debt, the person they owed money to could take one and one's kids as slaves until the time of one's debt being paid off. So God let their own slaves to make amends equal. In spite of the fact that Americans took people for their own selfish reasons. God won’t let Americans take slaves, due to the direct consequence of the fact that Americans have the wrong idea of what a slave should be. A slave should be an extension of one's family, not a thing that can’t even come near one's family. One of the most famous verses in the Bible is John 3:16 which states "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." It says for everyone, not for whites or Jews but for everyone In spite of the fact that they could have their family work, the majority of them would not like their family to work for something that they created. This implies that the person would also be taken care of. The majority of the masters in the Bible would take care of their basic needs like food, water, and customarily a place to live. What about foreign enslaved people in Israel? The majority of the time the reason that there were slaves from other countries was due to the direct fact that they were prisoners of war. If they had committed treason in another country, they had full rights to enslave them. To …show more content…

In the case that it is, the only way it can be justified is if it follows the guidelines the Bible has set forth for us. Christian response to slavery in the present day. This question troubles a lot of Christians due to the fact that the Bible supports it, but it is morally incorrect to support it. Here is what needs to happen: Christians need to stand up and speak out. Not eliminate it but show the true goodness of slavery: the relationship is not a slave to the owner but one Christian to another. It is not immoral to support it, just make sure that what is being supported is moral. What I mean by this is if people realize the heavenly perspective of it, then it can become something truly beautiful again. A way to pay back to those who did so much for you. It is a form of debt compromise. That is what people need to do to the fact that not everyone is going to be happy with one solution of keeping or getting rid of it. Well if slavery is going to be kept, how can society make sure the legacy of history is justified? As mentioned earlier, the only way to truly justify slavery and bring a better light to this incredibly controversial topic is to take a deeper dive. Everyone needs to look at slavery when and how it's abused, and how we can prevent the abuse of it. Now taking all this into consideration, don't hate slavery or Christians for supporting it, hate what our world has turned it into. Hate the fear of people to their masters and help change it