Christian Vs Christian Worldview

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My worldview, as I have always know, is Christianity. I grew up in the church, in the church community, and it was all I knew for the majority of my life. Christianity is the largest religion in the world today and it is centered on Jesus Christ (Anderson, 2014). The Christian worldview says that there is a personal God who is perfect in all of His ways. While we have a loving God who is perfect in all of His ways, we humans went against our Creator, corrupted ourselves, and placed ourselves under His judgement. Another main idea of Christianity is the problem of evil, how it came about, and how it hurts God’s people. The Bible gives many reasons as to why God would allow evil for a greater purpose, but it does not answer every question that …show more content…

One specifically is a worldview called Materialism. Materialism is the view that everything is ultimately material and consists of nothing but matter and energy (Anderson, 2014). This worldview is completely different from Christianity in the fact that they do not believe in spirits, consciousness, or existence outside of something that is not physically there (“Materialism”). Their belief system is also based on the theory of Evolution and humans evolving as opposed to humans being created by a divine being. Many are starting to find this disagreement with Christianity attractive because it places more emphasis on scientific explanations (Anderson, 2014). Therefore, they do not have to have faith in something they cannot see, because it does not exist if you cannot see it right in front of …show more content…

Better said, why their worldview is more believable than any other. For me, I believe Christianity is a better way to live than materialism because we do not need the material things to be satisfied in life. God is the only thing we can, and should, occupy ourselves with day in and day out (“How Should a Christian View Materialism?”). This speaks volumes because we do not worry about what the world and culture says we need to do, because we know their is a better place waiting for us on the other side of eternity. Christianity is more believable because we have the resources to deal with the theoretical problem, not just talk about it (Nash, 1992). We do not sit back and watch the evil world spin around us, we attempt to save this world through telling them about Jesus. Materialism does not offer such a solution. While they do understand there is a problem of evil in this world, they do not have a solution because, more often, they do not see it because it is not material and right in front of them. To me, having a real solution(Jesus, the Bible, faith) to a real problem(evil), makes the Christian worldview the most believable, most applicable, and better way to live than