Christian Worldview

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What is a worldview, and why is it important? These are the questions we should ask ourselves when thinking about how we perceive the world around us. A worldview is simply the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. As Christians our worldview is especially important in correlation with our faith and how we see our fellow man. Armed with biblical teachings we must apply them to our lives and how we interact with those around us in a way that the Lord would approve of. Studying scripture can build up and strength our Christian worldview. Many Books and passages in the bible touch up human identity, human relationships, and culture. Romans 1-8 are one of those Books that we can apply to the world around us. …show more content…

In romans human identity is also explained further most of them are sinful as “ they are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parent’ (Romans 1:30). We as humans were bore coming into the world as sinners none of us are sinless. We have to repent our sins as Christians and give our lives to God. Many people fail to do this and just live their whole life in sin and are content with never repenting and never allowing the Lord in their hearts. I believe our identity is clear we are God’s creation, and were created in his image. The sin in the Garden of Eden introduced sin to mankind and caused the fall of man. To an extent Rome in Paul’s day was no different then our world today. Similarities also between our world today and Paul’s also extend to human …show more content…

When people began to reject God their cultural norms began to decay. This was especially true in Rome in Paul’s time Romans 1:26-27 states “even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received themselves the due penalty for their error” (Romans: 26-27). Our different cultures can make us unique and cultural actions are not always of a sinful nature. God’s law is of great importance and should be the foundation of a proper culture. Many of us have different views but we should remember to not let them stray from the word of

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