
Christianity And Islam Research Paper

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Traditions within the religions of Islam and Christianity have a common basis as religions of peace. For both traditions the opening meaning of its belief is peace. In both traditions peace is regarded as an asset within the sacred texts. For Islam and Christianity peace is seen as more than an absence of conflict and violence. It is more based on the sense of wellbeing. Overall peace is established in union with God. Muslims and Christians are guided to live a life of peace with others, not just in their own communities but also to all humans. The sacred texts of Christianity and Islam, essentially the Qur’an and the New Testament, have a large importance on peacemaking and peace in general. The goal for inner peace is at the center of the …show more content…

Basically meaning, Christians can expect to find inner peace finally through and in living out their calling as disciples of Jesus Christ and aiming their lives towards the following of his teachings. Jesus himself is seen as the provider of peace and to live in close relationship to him and his teaching will allow the adherent to experience this peace. Jesus’ own life is viewed as a model of living in peace and therefore Christians are guided to shape their lives on his example, by doing this they will be able to experience peace. For an individual to attain inner peace, the most worthwhile and fruitful path to follow is the example of Jesus. Many groups within the Christian tradition will have created ways of following this example. They generally will include the use of ritual, prayer and the reading of scripture, the service of others and the participation in community with those of similar beliefs. Developing a general orientation in life, which supports the quest for fidelity and integrity to the gospel, is an essential foundational element. It wont be possible to establish inner peace while values are greatly

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