
How Can A Godly Leader Approach Conflict So That It Cements Unity Between The Participants?

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Christians who live up to their calling (v. 1) must “keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (v. 3); that’s the preferred outcome. So how can a godly leader approach conflict so that it cements unity between the participants?
Think your way through verses two and three. Ask what each element named contributes to managing conflict so that unity and peace result. “Be completely humble”; “[be] patient”; “bear with one another in love”; “make every effort to keep the unity.” Imagine how people would approach conflict if humility, gentleness and patience provided the context in which all participants viewed the solution, and if unity and peace were the sole motives. Imagine how the process would work if all participants exercised …show more content…

Realize that conflict is an unavoidable. Christians living with the false hope that a ‘holy’ life will be conflict-free will only feel frustration when this flawed hope is regularly dashed. God’s greatest servants have all proven themselves in the crucible of conflict. As Jesus demonstrated, healthy confrontations are pivotal teaching times. As leaders of God’s businesses, we need a realistic view of conflict.
2. Be the peacemaker- initiate reconciliation. Greater spiritual maturity carries the greater burden for peacemaking. Thus, in conflicts between believers and nonbelievers, responsibility lies mostly with the believer as they possess spiritual maturity. In conflicts between believers, the more mature believer should display the obedience and humility needed to initiate reconciliation.
3. Avoid lingering conflict. When we become aware of an offense, we’re responsible for taking action to resolve it, even when we’re ‘innocent’. Scripture says that if we’re on our way to church and realize that we have unresolved conflict with another, we should resolve it before offering our worship to God (Mt 5:23). Jesus simply said that we should promptly resolve things. He also said that peacemakers are blessed and will be called children of God (Mt

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