
Chronic Alcohol Use Case Study Response

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Chronic Alcohol Use Case Study Response There is strong evidence to suggest chronic alcohol use disorder (AUD) by Karen. She began drinking regularly while in high school and she is now 37 years. That’s roughly 20 years of regular drinking. Karen consumes large amounts of alcohol (binge drinking) and she has continued drinking for 4 years since her employer suspected a drinking problem. When Karen attempted to quit drinking she experienced alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). The night she had passed out may have been an alcohol-induced blackout. Her yelling at her dog in frustration may be indication of an anxiety disorder due to AUD. And, drinkers have surrounded Karen her entire life. Karen’s decision to seek outpatient counseling following her detoxification may be quite challenging. With her husband, his family, and their friends as heavy drinkers, Karen will have a difficult time controlling her alcohol cravings. Every meal and activity that the group participate in are infused with alcohol. Their lives revolve around alcohol. This could impede her recovery process. Karen’s anxiety disorder may further complicate recovery in that anxiety is a …show more content…

5:19; I Corinthians 6:10). We cannot judge drunkenness of another and excuse our own selfishness. We are to view people as God does in agreement that we are all sinners in need of salvation. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. 22:29), but not tolerance, to watch someone destroy themselves with sin (James 5:20). We must encourage the client through every step of the program with compassion and love remembering we’ve had our share of struggles. Karen needs help to break free from the alcohol’s stronghold that has her bound. She needs to understand that she cannot quit drinking on her own and that she should turn her will and life over to God. She needs to understand that what seems like the end of her life is a glorious

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