Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Case Study

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Nurse Management of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Seynor Massalee Kennedy Oakland University Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive, potentially fatal disease, which is characterized by a persons’ inability to discontinue use despite it resulting into emotional, social, legal or physical problems (Powell, 1999). Alcoholism is a common problem in United States, and an estimated 15%-20% of hospitalized patients are dependent on alcohol. These hospitalized patients are suddenly force to stop drinking, which placed them at a risk for alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS). AWS complicates these patients’ treatment and recovery and sometimes causes death (Lussier-Cushing et al., 2007). Regular and excessive use of alcohol leads to tolerance and dependence. Tolerance is when a person requires more alcohol to achieve intoxication due to a decrease in the central nervous system …show more content…

Lussier-Cushing et al. (2007) states, “patient should be asked about their alcohol use, including the frequency and amount they drink such as the type of alcoholic drinks, the quantity, how often the patient drinks, the last drink and the amount of years they being drinking. Nurses should be aware that a patient with alcohol use disorder is likely to deny or minimize their drinking to avoid being judged by others (Lussier-Cushing et al., 2007). The patient reported drink three bottles of beer a day and said it was due to the stress of taking care of his mother with dementia for over a year. The patient laboratory result shows an alcohol level of 188. The patient was placed on AWS protocol and prescribed lorazepam according to the result from the alcohol withdrawal flow sheet. The patient score was zero because he still had enough alcohol in his system. However, the patient was placed on fall

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