Chunk Chew And Check Framework

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The Chunk, Chew, and Check framework makes easy for teachers to implement effective, differentiated instruction. It helps educators identify a clear learning target, get to know their students as people and as learners, and understand how to vary the learning pathways to the same target for different learners. Furthermore, the chunk, chew and check approach constitute different learning strategies divided into three categories which are cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective learning strategies. Some ways to CHUNK (assist students to acquire new knowledge) are: VISUAL: show a movie or clip from a movie; demonstrate from a chart or graph; blog; Wikipedia; Webquest; Powerpoint; read a book or article; show pictures; use graphic organisers …show more content…

KINAESTHETIC: role play, demonstrate, have students try something; rotate through stations; set them up to teach content; move, touch, build, draw, take apart; play charades; create group tableau; conduct lab experiments. SOCIAL: talk about it; listen or tell others; brainstorming; sharing experiences; predicting / hypothesizing, do a role-play; play a game; class discussion. ACTIVITIES: - Event Cards: groups of students sort events from a story in order to build anticipation - Visual Literacy: use images for students to chunk new information - Gallery Walk: students view photos in carousel style then engage in a chew activity to process what they have taken in - Expert groups: students become experts in an area/topic/subset of info and continue to share info throughout …show more content…

using Comic Life software), Vocabulary Pictures, Graphic Organisers, Doodle Notes, Mind mapping, Some ways to CHECK (assist students in presenting information such that you know what they know or what they need to grow) FORMATIVE: Exit cards: Pre-assessment cards, formative exit cards; Note to a Friend; Ticket to Enter or Leave; 3 Finger self-assessment (3 = fully understand,2 = understand somewhat, 1 = don’t understand). This develops students to be self-evaluating. SUMMATIVE Ways to CHECK for Understanding (adapted from Jay McTigue’s work) o Explanation – provide through supported facts and data o Interpretation – offer good translations o Application – effectively use and adapt what we know in diverse contexts o Perspective – see and hear points of view through critical eyes and ears o Empathy – find value in what others may perceive o Self-knowledge – awareness of what shapes and impedes your own