Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Research Paper

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Maritza Vazquez
History 1302
Professor Hall 09 August 2016 Civil Rights Act of 1964
After the Civil War ended in 1865 the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment were passed which are known as the Civil War Amendments. These amendments were passed to abolish slavery, give equal protection over the law to all citizens, and prohibit government from denying the right to vote based on the citizens race or color. The implementation of the amendments it was not enough to give minorities the equal protection and right to vote since the states would implement barriers to prevent minorities especially, African Americans to vote. The barriers that were established were the Grandfather Clause, literacy test, poll tax, and white …show more content…

It also demanded the African Americans or other minorities to no longer be denied of services. Employers and also including labor unions were not allow to discriminate and must hire their employees not matter their race, gender, or religious belief. This act led to the prohibition of federal funds to go to discriminatory programs. The act established the Community Relations Service also known as peace makers during strong tensions and conflict created by discrimination towards someone because of their race, color, gender, religious beliefs, disabilities etc. Civil Rights Act 1964 gave power to the Department of Education to desegregate schools in the Unites States. Everyone that wants to vote gets the same requirements. The government required to receive all registration information and voters data. This enabled any civil lawsuit to be transferred from local courts to federal courts, which led to a more powerful Civil Rights …show more content…

A year later the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed which eliminated the literacy test as requisite to vote and it led to the increase of African Americans to have more access to the ballot box.After a decade in 1975 the Voting Rights Act was extended in to provide protection to Mexican American voters.Since they have very low levels of voting in the U.S because the elections were conducted in English and many didn’t know the language.The passing of Civil Rights Act of 1964 led for Fair Housing Act of 1968 creation which ended discrimination on the sale and rental of housing. It has a huge impact in the history of the United States because it was the first action taken by the government to decrease the amount of segregation in the country specially in the South. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 led for women, African Americans, Mexican Americans to have important roles in society and be recognized by the government and