Civil Rights Movement Dbq Essay

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How could a signature transform America? Lyndon B Johnson was born in 1908 near Stonewall in Central Texas. Though his Texas roots he was intellectually gifted, motivated and possessed much vigor(BE). Why did L.B.J. sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964? If principle decisions are based on strongly-held beliefs, then Cotulla Teaching, Ignoring Southern Reaction, and Change of Heart show that President Johnson was motivated to sign by his principles. One example that reveals President Johnson’s principal motivation can be found in (Doc A). In (Doc A) it states “That his first job after college was as a teacher in Cotulla, Tex., in a small Mexican-American school.” (Doc A) He also explains that he could see the pain of prejudice in their eyes and would buy them clothing, food and supplies because they could not afford them (Doc A). Therefore this evidence proves that his decision was principle because he cares for Mexican Americans and wanted them not to suffer and be segregated. This is one fragment of why his decision to push the Civil Rights Bill was a principle one. Another reason that shows that LBJ’s decision was principle is in (Doc C). In (Doc C) Lyndon B. Johnson had a conversation with his old time friend Richard Russell. Johnson states that “Dick, you’ve got to get out of my way. I’m going to run over you.” …show more content…

In (Doc E) Lyndon B Johnson was speaking to Roy Wilkins and Roy asked “ If he had felt so strongly about the issue , why had it taken him so long to act on it.” Then Johnson quoted Martin Luther King “Free at last, free at last.” You can infer from this quote that he was implying that he is not chackled to Texas theories anymore and he can speak his mind now as being President. This shows that his decision was principle because he is saying that before as Senator he was against integration because he had to follow the people’s opinion now he does not have