Another Black man was robbed of his dignity and as a parting gift given his exit from this world. Question: when will the message sink in? What’s the message? “Remember who you’re dealing with.”
Years ago, my cousin and I was in downtown Detroit at this bar now called Red Bird but in 1997 it was Marilyn’s on Monroe. So were in the bar drinking Heinekens and my cousin was talking to the waitress. Perhaps she didn’t like what my cousin was saying to her because she told her boyfriend/husband/whatever and as we were walking to the car, this punk-ass White boy comes charging out of the bar trying to check my cousin. Now, my cousin isn’t out to start no trouble but he has no problem getting in one’s ass and he was ready to fuck that boy up. I told
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In fact, more Whites have been killed by police than Blacks but I hardly doubt the White perpetrators were doing things like selling loose cigarettes or driving with a suspended license or carrying a toy gun. I can assume that those Whites perps who were slain by the police were clutching their guns as they prepared for a showdown with the law. I may be wrong but you don’t often hear Whites getting killed the way Blacks get killed by the police. Black people, when it comes to the police we act as if they played under the same rules as we do. They don’t. On the street, the police have “carte blanche” and they have had a blank check since Black folk was freed by Lincoln. They can kill us and come away clean by simply saying that we posed a threat to their lives. That’s it, case closed. Meanwhile, we are protesting, crying on TV, looting, burning, bitchin….and then we will start over again when we hear another Black live was taken by a …show more content…
WE KNOW THEY WILL KILL US. They grew up listening to rap songs calling for the death of niggas. “And, I won’t hesitate to put a nigga on his back” Dr. Dre said that twenty-four years ago and we are shocked when a gun-ho cop wants to put a nigga down. The death of Alton Sterling is shocking but not surprising. You had a Black man whose dignity was being taken away by the police and in a typical move the Black man lash out against the very force we know will kill us with no hesitation. (“And, I won’t hesitate to put a nigga on his back”) There goes that hook again but when you watch the video what did you see? Sterling on his back and the cop pulls out his firearm letting the brother know that he will kill him and..he pulled the trigger. I know firsthand how aggressive the police can be but when you are looking at the man who can kill you and ask questions later you have to let the ego go. We want to fight the power, fight the police but unless we are ready to go to war against the police we cannot win. The police, time and time again has shown us that they will not hesitate to pull that trigger. Michael Slager killed Walter Scott as he ran away from him but he grew up during a time when rappers like Dre gave the seal of approval and he too wanted to put a nigga on his back. But why did he pull the trigger? It