Civil War Dbq Essay

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The Union’s approach to ending the Civil War and restoring the country was ultimately quite bold. Along with this, the Union handled restoration, mainly involving the issue of slavery, step by step until stability could exist again. The Union's main concerns were preventing the Confederacy from gaining any political power, aid from abroad, or strong military strength. By displaying complete power and determination over these issues, the ability to put an end to the rebellion would be much easier. From the first shots fired at Fort Sumter, the Union went into the war with a determined spirit. Ready to fight for the good of the country, Lincoln vowed to not give up until he succeeded at reuniting once again. Lincoln displayed his fighting spirit on many occasions, including the Gettysburg Address, where he showed the Union's determination to finish this war as the victor. His promises included to fight to honor the brave men who died battling to save the country and government (Document D). The tone in which this speech was delivered provided a sense of determination, and willingness to fight to the Union. It was the push needed to continue the battle, showing that there was a victor at the end. William T. Sherman also presented the same determination to create a unified country once again. He …show more content…

Despite the Union gaining British Support in the 1860’s, their actual ability to help the movement was very small (Document B). During reconstruction, “Black Codes” were put in place, which virtually represented the time period prior to the Civil War. This however, was the tactic that the country used when trying to rebuild. It was understood that giving African Americans full rights, would simply cause another war and not solve any issues for the country. What was needed was a compromise, something both sides could live