Civil War Industrialization Essay

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By dividing the nation into two, the Civil War threatened to destroy it due to conflict in the South, leading to their secession. The northern and southern states disagreed on many issues, such as slavery, and the rights of states to secede from the Union. Lincoln could not let the South's secession destroy their nation. Therefore, Lincoln understood the gravity of the situation and quickly acted to preserve the Union, leading to changes in the economy due to changes in industrialization. The civil war brought about an industrial boom in the North, while the South was left to face the loss of free labor. The Civil War had a great impact on the development of the United States. The northern states experienced an industrial boom as a result of …show more content…

During the Civil War, generals on both sides utilized railroads to strategically maneuver their troops. The Confederacy was in a prime position due to their ability to move troops over great distances, allowing them to gather in large numbers and attack the Union from the inside. Immigration is another key element of what made the industrial period important. Immigration was an integral part of the industrial period, as it allowed for an influx of new people and ideas from around the world. This led to increased competition and innovation, which in turn resulted in the rapid growth and development of industries. Immigrants provided a source of labor for factories, as well as helping to create a more diverse and dynamic workforce. The combination of these factors allowed for the industrial period to be a time of great progress and growth for many countries. In the South, urbanization was hampered by its reliance on slavery. While some cities in the region developed, many of the rural areas did not experience the same level of growth. This was due to the fact that much of the South's economy relied on the labor of enslaved African Americans, and the need to keep them on the plantations meant that development outside of the cities was not prioritized. As a result, the South lagged behind other regions in terms of urbanization, and this trend continues to this