
Civil War Unavoidable In The 1800's Essay

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There are many reasons why the succession and Civil War were unavoidable in the 1800’s. The political, economic, and cultural developments were what made these historical events happen. The time of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency was leading up to it all. The events I felt were most important and had the most effect were the Missouri Compromise, the establishment of the Underground Railroad, and when South Carolina succeeded from the Union. In January of 1820, the Missouri Compromise set a boundary line between free and slave territory. It was an effort by Congress to resolve the sectional and political rivalries. The Missouri Compromise was criticized by many southerners because it established the principle that Congress could make laws regarding slavery. But northerners condemned it for accepting in the expansion of slavery. However, the act helped hold the Union together for more than thirty years. In 1854, it was repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which established popular sovereignty regarding slavery in Kansas and Nebraska. Three years later it was then ruled unconstitutional. The Underground Railroad was an organized system of people who helped fugitive slaves escape to the North and to Canada. It was made up …show more content…

20, 1860, South Carolina called for a convention to secede from the Union. State by state, conventions were held, and the confederacy was formed. Three months after Lincoln's election into office, seven states had seceded from the Union. Just as Springfield, Illinois celebrated the election of its favorite son to the Presidency on November 7, so did Charleston, South Carolina, which did not cast a single vote for him. South Carolina's action resulted in conventions in other southern states. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas all left the Union by February 1. On February 4, delegates from all these states except Texas met in Montgomery, Alabama, to create and staff a government called the Confederate States of

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