Civilizations During The Early Stages Of The Middle Kingdom

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Civilizations during the early stages of the world were essentially the building blocks for the world as we know it and live in it today. I will be reviewing how the civilizations of Egypt created and manifested a way of live that proved to be rewarding and long-termed. First in 2686 B.C.E we will see how the prosperity of the Old Kingdom and increasing architectural intelligence contributed to the Middle Kingdom. Also known as, the “Golden Age”, the Middle kingdom stabilized Egyptian civilizations from 2055 to 1650 B.C.E, however, disorder and a new order were still needed to maintains Egypt security after being invaded, thus, forming “the most powerful state in the Middle east” once assuming its new militaristic path; the New Kingdom. As a student enrolled in the course of surveying world history and civilizations, it is my duty to properly perceive and convey the rise and falls of the three different time periods of Egyptian history and what contributions are most significant to the Egyptian history. The ancient civilizations of Egypt are amongst those of the Hebrew and Persian empires. The geographical locations warranted intellectual …show more content…

Once comprehending the purpose of the primary source and how it relates the to the text of “The Human Record,” then do I interpret the context in which the “World History” is presented and distinguish the major characteristics of each Egyptian society, in addition to the the civilization’ major contributions to prior or future civilizations. Egyptian civilizations relied on the natural landmasses and natural resources to provided way of life. We see in “World History” that the union of the White Crown of Upper Egypt and Red Crown of Lower Egypt was physically formed by the Nile River and politically by first Egyptian king, called