Claims And Fallacies In The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

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When closely reading nonfiction; we can analyze the author’s claims and fallacies. The author endeavors to achieve a positive view, though the reader is able to delineate fallacies of claims; their story is written to a particular group, and they do not keep in mind that others will take apart their claims and observe the many fallacies that are hidden throughout the phrases. Today, many people have turned against muslims, with the uprising of terrorist attacks; media portrays an image that all muslims are radical Islamic terrorists. They do not show the other side of an average muslim American, assembling many groups of Americans to believe in these false claims. Although an educated American will discern these claims, either from meeting a muslim, or realizing that not all muslims are evil or else we would all be dead. …show more content…

It was written by Karl Marx who was assisted with the help of Friedrich Engels. Published on February 21, 1848, by revolutionary socialists, German based, they were known as the Communist League. The political pamphlet had a great influence on society and asserted “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” and that the proletariat, the working class would put an end to all classes in society. The two influential philosophers, Marx and Engels, strive to enforce communism, hoping Europe will adopt the pamphlet. Marx is able to instill fear in the people who oppose communism by starting off with ‘’A spectre is haunting Europe–the spectre of communism.’’ Subsequently he states ‘’The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite!’’ By this, Marx is trying to begin a revolution with the proletariat against the