Classical Republicanism Essay

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The major purposes of government according to Classical Republicanism is to promote the common good and teach the people civic virtue. In “We the People” on Page 12 it says Classical Republicanism put the needs of the people over individual wants. This taught citizens to work together to promote the common good and put the needs of the community as a whole above their selfishness. Classical Republicanism isn´t directly in the Constitution; however, it protects the society as a whole. Classical Republicanism put the needs of the people over individual wants. According to the 15th Amendment, which states “The right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state an account of race, …show more content…

Everyone got along for the good of the nation. This amendment promotes the common good because it allows for less fights against equality and allows everyone to get along better and have better friendships. It’s mandatory for people to work together towards the common good. The 19th Amendment states that we have the right to vote and nobody can deny us the right to vote based on our gender. This amendment promotes the common good because people will have representatives that are better liked because men as well as women can vote. There are many different ways to protect citizens like our Natural Rights Philosophy created by John Locke.
The major purposes of government according to John Locke’s Natural Rights Philosophy is to protect our natural rights which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These are unalienable which means that they are given to anyone and everyone no matter what. In the Supreme Court case Snyder vs. Phelps the Snyder family lost their soldier and son in a war in Iraq. During his funeral the members of Westboro Baptist Church held up signs that were against the U.S. Army because they accept homosexuals. They were far enough from the funeral so that anyone attending couldn’t see them. The signs read “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” and “God hates You” …show more content…

On the other hand, we should have freedom and rights individually to live life to the fullest. In the supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas this happened: In the 1950’s schools were segregated by race in two seperate buildings. Every day, Linda Brown and her sister had to walk a far distance to get to their school. Linda applied for a closer school, but it was only for white students. Linda Brown and her family believed that the segregated school system violated the 14th Amendment and took their case to court. Federal district court decided that segregation in public education was harmful to black children, but because all-black schools and all-white schools had similar buildings, transportation, curricula, and teachers, the segregation was legal. The Browns appealed their case to Supreme Court stating that even if the facilities were similar, segregated schools could never be equal to one another. The Court decided that state laws requiring separate but equal schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. .This protected the common good and Linda’s individual rights from the 14th amendment. Now everyone was able to have an equal education and an equal opportunity for a good life in the future and Linda was able to go to a closer school. Her