Classify The Different Types Of Coaches Essay

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Since I was little I was involved in the world of sport, it is something that I am passionate about. I have always been a very active person. So, I practiced different sports throughout my life like basket, tennis, football… This has made me meet many people just like many coaches. In this essay I will try to make a short description of the types of coaches who believe what exists. There are many types of coaches, and it is clear that each person is different, I mean that no coach is the same as another. What we find are several main characteristics they have in common so we can classify them.
On the first side we find the authoritarian trainer, he likes to have everything under control. It is the style that was used more in …show more content…

It is a style similar to what it would mean to be a military. Fortunately, I have not found this type of coach, but I have had friends who have left crying from a practice or game because of the shouts of the coach. They only follow the orders that the coach say to them and he only teach one way to do the things. The most important thing for the coach is to win and many times many athletes have been injured by the physical requirement that the coach puts them, and not only physically but mentally the athletes are under a lot of pressure and that is also bad. Personally I think this type of coach is not recommended for children, because the process of growth can be affected. Usually the authoritarian coach does not motivate his team but athletes are motivated by the fear that they have to the coach when they do something wrong. In this case the coach is always above his sportsman, he cannot be judged, he absorbs all the responsibility of the team. From what I saw