Clenbuterototifen Research Paper

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Ketotifen Ketotifen is a anti-histamine medically used to treat asthma and allergies. It has a sedative and depressant effect on the brain. It acts by decreasing the release of histamines which are chemicals released when an allergic reaction occurs. That’s all great but what’s relative to this article is that Ketotifen has been shown to inhibit the down regulation of the beta 2 receptors that Clenbuterol stimulates. That means you can continue to take Clenbuterol for a longer period without having to cycle off to regenerate the receptor sensitivity. It also means that you don't need as much Clenbuterol to get the same benefits. Although no studies have been done to find the most effective dose, most users find a daily dose of 2-3mg to be ideal. This dosage can be split or taken in one sitting. Higher doses are likely to cause (sometimes …show more content…

Ketotifen supplementation is only really necessary for the professional physique athlete doing multiple shows per year with very minimal time off of Clenbuterol between shows. Side Effects of Clenbuterol The side effects of Clenbuterol come from its stimulating nature. After all, Clenbuterol is a stimulant. The most common side effects surround a jittery feeling, shaky hands and increased sweating. The side effects will commonly be very pronounced during the early stages of use. As the individual becomes accustomed to the stimulant, the side effects should begin to subside somewhat. Many users inaccurately assume that when the stimulating effects of Clenbuterol begin to fade that the thermogenic effects are no longer working. Literature suggests that the same dose of Clenbuterol can actually keep the metabolism revved for as much as five weeks. However, the body’s ability to adapt to Clenbuterol is tremendous and adjustments must be made to dosages frequently throughout the Clenbuterol

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