Environmental Effects Of Climate Change

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INTRODUCTION Climate change is referred to as the changes that have occurred over recently years and those that predicted to be coming mainly are caused by human behaviours. This assignment is about the climate change and its impacts on different ways environmentally, economically, physically also in animals and in human beings. This climate is very dangerous also there are methods which can be used to try to minimise this problem because many things are being damaged due to the climate change. This climate change is caused by so many different ways most of them are conducted by human beings which they do not know that are dangerous exercises some they are deliberately caused by the car drivers and other big firms and other offenders. …show more content…

The determination of climate change about for the first time detailed modelling of the growth of crops under the climate change. The results of climate change are indicating that the agricultural as a whole and human well-being is badly affected by this climate change. If this thing of climate change can be ignored our country can end up in poverty because it is damaging the food suppliers/producers. Global carbon pricing can be used to prevent the climate change, (Brezina …show more content…

There are 3% of the gases in the atmosphere of the earth that help to warm the earth this shows how these alterations can affect the future generation. The global climate change is the critical societal problem that most of the citizens do not acknowledge which they just ignore.,(Nel 2013:44-47)
The scientific community recognise the climate change as one of the core challenges facing society in the coming years. Some politics they have selectively parsed the words of mainstream scientists and used the conclusion of those who are outlier on the subjects, (Klein 2013:12-15)
The effects of climate change on fertilisation the rapid increase of growth due to the enrichment that should occur in natural and agricultural systems as a result of an increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. A carbon dioxide fertilization effect is the term used to denote the increased plant growth due to the higher carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. (Klein 2013:12-15)