Climate Change In Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth

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Climate change is an epidemic surrounding every person, everywhere, every day. Many scientists have come out to say that the world is getting warmer and warmer every year, with no change being done from the government. Yet none of them could get their point across like Al Gore does in his documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth." This documentary has many points to prove the effects and origin of global warming. From this stepping stone, we've been introduced to more ideas about climate change and its devastating effects on human life.

First, Al Gore talks about the origin of global warming. He states that the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere nearly perfectly correlates to the temperature year long. He then proves this by showing a 400,000-yearlong graph on how closely the correlation between the two has maintained. With this evidence, Al Gore starts gaining control of the audience allowing to get his …show more content…

Al then shows Hurricane Katrina passing over warm waters getting stronger than any other hurricane due to the extra heat shown in the water. He shows us that, that's not the only thing warm water destroys, it also begins to warm around the ice caps, deteriorating the ice more than the radiation from the sun. With the deterioration, the water levels increase flooding streets of cities that hold millions of people.

Al Gore goes on to mention the fewer days of frost that we have been receiving, and the effects that are showing on us. Pine beetles have devastated trees across miles of forests, and Al shows us that the frost use to kill most of the beetles in the winter. Then he shows us how people who lived in mountains would flee to higher elevations to rid the mosquitos, yet with less snowfall in the mountains, the mosquitos are moving higher into these cities. Overall the fewer days of winter increases the effects the mosquitos and beetles lay on the