How Did The Tea Party's Impact On The Republican Party

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The Tea Party’s impact on the Republican Party
In this paper I will show that there are two factions of the Republican Party, one is the Establishment Republicans and the other is the Tea Party Activist. I will show the contrast between the two parties and the impact that the Tea Party has on the Republican Party because of its radical views. The Tea Party are a small, but fringe group of people within the Grand Old Party (GOP) that are much further right than most mainstream Americans are today. Furthermore, it is not a true political party but a grassroots movement that began in 2009. The Tea Party wants minimal government or none at all. They do not trust the Federal Government when it comes to the national debt and the impression is that …show more content…

The Affordable Care Act was the prelude to the government shutdown. The government was shut down for sixteen days costing the United States $24 billion dollars, during that time. Senator Ted Cruz and the small group of Tea Party members were the ones that lead the charge in shutting down the government. According to Judis (2013) Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Speaker Mitch McConnell had to go against the Tea Party pundits; made a deal to end the government shutdown. The Tea Party and its Republican counterparts want the same thing for example, to reduce the national debt. Where they seem to divide, is how to achieve this goal effectively. While the GOP is the blame for increasing the national debt while President George W. Bush was in office. The party acknowledges that the Wall Street bailout and the stimulus packages occurred during the time the Republicans held the White House. The main priorities of the Tea Party are to get government spending under control and balance the budget (2010). The party also wants to get rid of (1) Department of Education, (2) Internal Revenue Service (IRS), (3) Department of Energy, (4) Environment Protection Agency (EPA), (5) Federal Reserve, (6) the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Again, this is where the two parties have a noticeable divide. The Republicans know that breaking up these …show more content…

The greenhouse gases, carbon pollution, and other factors combined, is causing the Earth’s atmosphere to change dramatically. With these changes the weather patterns are becoming more and more unpredictable. The Tea Party members do not believe what scientist say about climate change and evolution (Mooney, 2014). Climate change is occurring right now. We see the evidence every day, for example the unpredictable weather patterns like milder winters, severe snow storms, the polar vortex, torrential rains, severe droughts, hotter than normal summers, an increase in tropical storms, and the rising sea levels. Also, the glaciers and polar ice caps are melting at an increased rate. Policymakers were given summary reports that were completed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group I (Solomon, et al., 2007). These reports have supporting evidence that climate change is very real and affecting all