Climate Change Pros And Cons

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Climate change is the change in climatic patterns, which is dated from the mid to 20th century. For over decades we have faced climate change in our lives. Climate change is thought as a negative factor but like everything it has its advantages. Climate change has been a debatable topic for very long as it effect a country in various ways such an economically and politically.
Global perspectives-
1) Uganda-
A project planned, which is now in action, to benefit everyone by reforesting the Mount Elgon national park because of the increase in carbon dioxide. The trees were breathing most of the carbon dioxide which made the travelers feel good and the people of Uganda had a larger park. The carbon gas increases global warming which is not beneficial …show more content…

and Mexico-
According to the Red Cross, more people are left homeless by natural disasters than wars. It is estimated that by 2050 more than 200 million people will be homeless and more than 160 million people are left homeless by famines, droughts and other natural disasters. More and more people are immigrating from México to the United States because of increases in weather disasters such as drought and famines.
3) Northern Europe-
The warming of the earth has been beneficial for the wines till now. The vines are getting better and the fruits riper. A son of a farmer after a study was able to track the rising of temperatures between 1950 and 1999. Better conditions for wines are also in Holland, Belgium and Denmark. Soon the farmers will be more and more benefited by the growth of fruits, especially grapes from which wines are made. This will also be good for the countries as wine is very famous in Northern …show more content…

The increases of greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming, which is making countries warmer including UAE. Not only UAE but many more countries especially countries near the equator are getting warmer and warmer.
Personal perspective-
I have been bestowed with the ability to remember or analyze things quickly which has been beneficial as Climate change has been a repetitive topic in my primary years, which helped a lot in this study. I have also participated in activities and peer teaching related to climate change. I have carried out this study with everything I had. In terms of understanding and finding information I have had help from cross-cultural links. The study is very informative and teaches me a lot.
Reading the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi report has helped me understand the climate of UAE and made it easy for me to write the national perspective. I had a wonderful experience meeting with a meteorologist, my father’s friend. I was allowed to get an insight in the field of forensic meteorology. I discovered how different scientific methods are used to forecast weather events. I also understood how the climate change affects the relationships between countries.
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