Ethical Implications In Counseling Case Study

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1.Analyze the ethical implications of a counselor expressing their values to a client.
When reviewing Chapter 3 and the ACA Ethical code counselors are to avoid imposing their values on a client). Ones personal values need to be pondered before going into practice, to try and ferret out those areas where ethical or moral conflicts could occur. In the article Personal Values and the Counseling Relationship, the author points out that there is a difference between imposing values and exposing values(Patterson). Concurrently there is encouraging new perspectives while being careful about our body language and other non-verbal cues, so one doesn 't impose one 's values by making out clients feel judged.
There is more and more research on the …show more content…

I think working with a team is hugely crucial when dealing with any stressful situation. We all deal with situations every day we disagree with on a political, moral or even ethical scale. We still go to work. We again deal with the people who are different than us. I genuinely believe the research, evidence-based practices, teamwork, and prayer conquer most issues like those listed above. If a merciful Father in Heaven can overlook my shortcomings, is it not incumbent upon me as a follower of His Son to do likewise?
3.Some of the legislation and government policies related to clinical mental health counseling
In the reading, it looks bleak for old fashion Christian Values. The first two cases listed on page 75 did not exactly go the way that a Country based on religious freedom should have gone. That being said, some States are adding “freedom of conscience” clauses to ensure that mental health professionals can refer clients to others based on a sincerely held religious belief. Arizona passed such a bill in 2012.(Corey,Corey,Corey and Callan.)
4.Identify factors that might lead a counselor to consider referring a client to another …show more content…

For example, Franko VS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; the plaintiff claimed that her Bishop was counseling her and her offender. The court agreed. This can be looked at from Section A.9.b, Protecting the Client(ACA Code of Ethics,2014). And where I plan to practice in a small town, making sure not to cross those boundaries, or even be seen to, is essential. Bracketing is just a skill that we are all going to have to learn.

AACC Law and Ethics Committee. (2014). AACC code of ethics. ().AACC.
Franco v. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 21 P. 3d 198 - Utah: Supreme Court 2001

Corey, G., Corey, M, Corey, C., and Callanan, C. (2015). Chapter 3: Values and the helping the relationship. (pp.68-103)
Patterson, F.Personal values, and the counseling relationship. Retrieved from
Wendt, D., Gone, J., and Nagata. D. (2015).
Potentially harmful therapy and multicultural counseling extending the conversation The Counseling Psychiatrist, 43(3),