Clinical Pathway In Nursing

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Clinical pathways are structured multidisciplinary care plans containing detailed essential steps in the care of patients with specific clinical problems. They are often developed by translating guidelines into local protocols for application in clinical practice (WHO, 2010). The use of clinical pathways is likely to have a favorable impact on patient outcomes, length of hospital stay, hospital costs and professional practice; no adverse consequences were reported with their use. The present study revealed that about two third of the nurse aged from 20- to less than 25 years old and graduated from secondary school of nursing. Most of them didn’t attained any training about pediatric DKA management. This study agrees with Hussein (2014). Who …show more content…

A study conducted by Mahmoud, F. S & Abd-ElSadik, B. (2013).to assess the effect of clinical pathway regarding promoting quality nursing care of children with meningitis exposed to invasive procedures. They found that the mean age of the studied nurses was 25.46 ± 5.08 years. As regards nursing qualification, about two thirds (64.3%) of them had secondary nursing school diploma. As illustrated from the results of the current study the majority of nurses had unsatisfactory level of knowledge and incompetent practice about diabetes and DKA before application of CP as compared to post implementation of CP the relatively high percentage of them gained satisfactory level of knowledge and competent practice. This might be due to lack of continuous education for these nurses, in addition to lack of their motivation to updating their knowledge.These results supported by Hussein (2014), …show more content…

The Glasgow coma score is sensitive to identify children early in the course of developing cerebral edema. Severe neurologic compromise is a poor prognostic indicator, primarily because such children are at increased risk for developing cerebral edema during therapy. In the same line Sholeen T (2014) found that, in her study about Biomarkers and genetics of brain injury risk in diabetic ketoacidosis: A pilot study, Forty percent exhibited abnormal mentation (Glasgow Coma Scale s mental and neurologic status. Arlan L. Rosenbloom (2011) stated that, Successful management and early intervention for complications requires close monitoring. A flow chart should be maintained to document all relevant incidents regarding the children’s condition. monitoring frequency recommendations include vital signs and neurologic checks hourly; blood glucose hourly; Na, K, and ionized calcium every 2 hours for 6 hours, then every 4 hours; magnesium and phosphorus every 4 hours; basic metabolic profile at admission and then every

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