Clinical Supervision Essay

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Supervision has many definitions based on the field of study. In counseling, it is a professional service where one uses the services of another for reviewing their work and assessing development. Clinical supervision is crucial in ensuring quality assurance and entails the acquisition of relevant skills for the profession. A defined supervision model helps a lot in managing of clinical services. The commonly used ones are the competency-based and integrated models. The primary focus of the competency-based model of supervision is the required skills and attainable goals. Among the major things involved in the design are strategies that apply the fundamental learning principles and supervisory functions. Conversely, integrated models address competency and skills …show more content…

It eases the role of a director in protecting the welfare of the clients by providing high-quality services. Besides, it contributes to the progressive professional development of the controller as well as the counselors. On the other hand, it guarantees customers’ satisfaction due to the assurance of the integrity of the clinical services. Collaborative supervision strengthens relationships between the supervisors and interns. All the needs of the clients are taken care of in organizations where proper supervision is in place. It is ethically important to have clinical supervision as it comes with some benefits. All clinical programs require clinical supervision in the upholding of professional ethical codes and legal issues. Equally important, clinical supervision improves the efficiency of counselors as they undertake their daily duties. Moreover, it ensures the provision of quality care to the service seekers. It also enhances the professional development of the clinical staff members at the same time improve the workforce. Also, it assists in the making of critical decisions regarding the professional ethics of the given