Safeguarding Case Studies

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This report will discuss the evidence given in Serious Case Review of Hamzah Khan, who died in 2009 in Bradford, after being starved and neglected for months by his Mother Amanda Hutton. It will highlight main failures and issues associated with safeguarding, recognizing the complexity of multiagency working, along with identification of challenges and barriers in everyday practice with children and families. It will also analyse the key recommendations from the review, making reference to safeguarding policies and procedures within Setting X, as well as developing a constructive critique of the issues that were raised. The report will make brief links to previous significant cases, underlining their influence on policy and legislation framework …show more content…

Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) undertake reviews of serious cases in specified circumstances, advising the authority on lessons to be learned. The board consists of representatives from local agencies such as NHS, the Police, Housing, School Services. They place duty on all agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (DfE, 2015a).

Safeguarding and child protection
Safeguarding is defined as promoting children’s welfare, providing safe and effective care, so that the children can achieve the best outcomes in life ( DfE, 2015a). Child protection is an aspect of safeguarding and it refers to protecting individual child from maltreatment.
Professionals in Setting X are able to recognize the signs and symptoms of child abuse that are identified in document Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 as physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Knowing about the forms of abuse allows the practitioner to identify them and report to stop the abuse from happening. Other forms of abuse according to NSPCC (2016a) are also Bullying, Female Genitals Mutilation (FGM), child grooming, child trafficking and online abuse. In most cases a child can experience two or more forms of abuse at once anytime in life no matter the age, gender, ethnicity or socioeconomic …show more content…

I am able to discuss any work related concerns during my supervision as well and discuss my professional development. Staff is able to access courses, workshops and seminars that enhance the knowledge relating to the implementation of safeguarding policies. Weekly staff meetings improve working practice allowing staff to discuss child safeguarding issues. Nevertheless, not everyone in the team holds same level of safeguarding training, especially agency staff or volunteers that come in contact with children and families, creating great risk to their