Explain The Importance Of Partnership Working In Safeguarding

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Partnership working means that, all agencies and professionals work together to safeguard children. Each professional or agency will have a different role to play but each of them is all as important. Good communication between them all is vital and failing to do so could mean that a child who is suffering will be left unnoticed. Police, health visitors, GP, hospitals, child minders, nursery, school, after school clubs, leisure clubs, social workers, family, friends, neighbours and the local community are all responsible for safeguarding children before it reaches crisis point Question: Question 9 Answer: Children 's Social Care When a child has been harmed or abused the head teacher will be the first person to deal with it, she then has a …show more content…

Where an adult offender is assessed as presenting a risk of serious harm to children, the offender manager should develop a risk management plan and supervision plan that contains a specific objective to manage and reduce the risk of harm to children. In preparing a sentence plan, offender managers should consider how planned interventions might bear on parental responsibilities and whether the planned interventions could contribute to improved outcomes for children known to be in an existing relationship with the offender. Youth Offending Teams YOTs are multi-agency teams responsible for the supervision of children and young people subject to pre-court interventions and statutory court disposals. They are therefore well placed to identify children known to relevant organisations as being most at risk of offending and to undertake work to prevent them offending. YOTs should have a lead officer responsible for ensuring safeguarding is at the forefront of their business. Under section 38 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, local authorities must, within the delivery of youth justice services, ensure the †̃provision of persons to act as appropriate adults to safeguard the interests of children and young persons detained or questioned by police officersâ€TM. …show more content…

Services that may be provided, in liaison with local authority childrenâ€TMs social care services, include the provision of reports for court, and direct work with children, parents and families. Services may be provided either within general or specialist multi-disciplinary teams, depending on the severity and complexity of the problem. In addition, consultation and training may be offered to services in the community – including, for example, social care schools, primary healthcare professionals and nurseries. Question: Question 10 Answer: Ensuring children and young peopleâ€TMs safety and welfare in the work setting is an essential part of safeguarding. While children are at school, practitioners act in †̃loco parentisâ€TM while their parents are away. As part of their legal and professional obligations, practitioners hold positions of trust and a duty of care to the children in their school, and therefore should always act in their best interests and ensure their safety. The Children Act 2004 came in with the Every Child Matters (ECM) guidelines and greatly impacted the way schools look at the care and welfare of pupils. Children and young people should be helped to learn and thrive and be given the opportunity to achieve the five basic outcomes: be healthy; stay safe; enjoy and achieve; make a