Cocaine And Crack Research Paper

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Cocaine/Crack Use of the coca plant native to South America dates back to the early 1800’s and maybe even further back in time, when indigenous people, royalty, and high priests used to chew or suck on a leaf from the plant as an herbal stimulant to give them energy. It elevates dopamine and serotonin and gives a feeling of pleasure, it helps ease pain but also can stop the heart, damage heart tissue, cause high body temperature and stimulate the heart so much that it causes ventricular fibrillation.
In 1850 and Italian doctor develops the cocaine we know of today and sells it to a German pharmaceutical company. In 1863 cocaine arrives in the United States in “Mariani Wine”. It was a hit in America especially since it was endorsed by 3.000 physicians for its medicinal qualities. Mark Twain delivered it to Ulysses who then started adding it to mineral water beverages. It was how Coca-Cola was first developed, it contained cocaine and was advertised as not only a delicious fizzy drink but as a cure for headaches that also gave you energy. By the 1880’s cocaine was everywhere from major league baseball to the shipping docks with black workers who were given the drug so that they could work longer. Cocaine was also used to treat addicts of morphine, heroin, …show more content…

Army was testing MDMS for potential use as chemical warfare, the C.I.A. does the same with LSD. The problem was that the people that took the drug had very severe psychotic reactions, even causing schizophrenia in some of them. LSD is a drug that alters sensory perception by connecting all of the chemical messages relayed to and from every nerve cell in the brain to the body. During the normal function of the brain and nerves, each nerve delivers specific messages to specific nerves one at a time. This complete chaotic function of the nerve cells causes a person perceive something that is completely ordinary as being extremely

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