Code 412: Assignment

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From handbook: Code 412: Assault of Teacher or Staff An intentional or reckless act that causes or has the potential to cause physical injury to a teacher or school staff on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity. Joseph was trying to keep another student from harm. He did not assault Mr. Reese. He pulled Mr. Reese's arm from about Olivia's neck. He was fearful of Olivia being seriously hurt. If Joseph had been freeing Olivia from another student holding her in the manner she was, his actions would have been applauded. If I had been walking the halls and turned a corner and seen what my wife describes she saw on the internet video, Mr. Reese would have suffered bodily injury from me. Just because he is an Administrator/person of Authority it would not have slowed me down in the least from …show more content…

The Findings of Facts document we have been given, says there were several administrators along with several teachers breaking up a fight – School personnel now tell us no fight occurred. 2. Why are there no student accounts for Joseph's incident? 3. Several statements say Joseph “jumped” on Mr. Reese's back, yet still photos from the scene clearly show Joseph bending down and reaching out (as if to grab something) 4. Mr. Reese's statement says Joseph pushed him away. 5. The SRO's in their report say “He pushed Coach Reese off the student he was trying to restrain” 6. Why does Ms Khalilah King's Principal's Statement (Olivia packet) unequivically state Joseph came down the stairs and jumped on Mr. Reeses back? Joseph was coming from the 1100 Hallway. And now, many of the teacher or support personnel statements also say “jumped on his back”, surly not because Ms King is effectively their boss. 7. Witness accounts say Joseph was still trying to get at Mr. Reese after he had been pulled away. Joseph, along with several student acounts we have been told, tell us Mr. Reese was as combative and angry as Joseph, obscenely threatening him with bodily