Infertility Problems In Women

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Women naturally have a desire for procreation and reproduction. Becoming a mother is one of the main needs of them and women who naturally are not able to bear children, will be involved in many personal and social problems that put them in the unusual life(1). According to the World Health Organization, infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of normal, frequent and unprotected near(2). Infertility as a life crisis accompanied by a range of social, mental, physical and monetary problems(3,4). Some research shows that the duration of infertility leads to increased stress and psychological distress(5). This situation can be influenced by the pressure and emotional trauma on wives work and their communication skills(6). One of these …show more content…

The stress of infertility can cause loosening of family bonds and increasing conflicts. Sometimes the emotional pressures reach with a degree that the person who has an infertility problem, may see any impact towards its own and therefore impute each confrontation or reaction of the spouse or others to their handicap(9). Failure to do tasks such as reproduction and fertility, leading to lower self-confidence and the result is a reduction in self-esteem(6). In addition to self-esteem, attachment also is considered as well as the psychological and interpersonal variable that determines the type of person psychological compatibility or incompatibility with infertility(10). Research on mature attachment has confirmed that attachment system is activated under stressful situations and people will be to set of emotions and encounter with them in ways that reflect their beliefs about themselves and others(11). The system of attachment behavior is more active in women due to the greater contingency of their abandonment and also rejection by their spouses. The increased activity of this system under stress and in unequal conditions raises insecure feelings and provide preparations of incompatibility. Deprived of the opportunity to lead maternal emotions, feelings and behaviors that ordinarily settled on Psychosomatic Internal Model to the biological target are a double loss. For this reason, the negative consequences of this great loss and disappointment for women are more than men and justify their greater incompatibility(12). In general, infertile women are more exposed to physical, psychological and social stresses of infertility and its