Cold War Dbq

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Essay Portion Option #2: After World War II ended, there was an immense tension all over the world; United States and the USSR emerged as the two principal potencies. A new era was coming, the beginning of the Cold War, a clash between the two most powerful countries in the world in almost every possible ambit, such as social, political, military, economical, among others. Also, the influence of these two countries with different systems; United States with capitalism and the USSR with communism, started to blossom over the smaller nations, in a race to prove who is the best. Consequently, these external relationships had to be regularized in a way that could maintain the bond strong and both sides could benefit from it, like the military-industrial …show more content…

In the context of the Cold War, the fight for power and the establishment of the strongest nation were reflected over several ambits, one of them being the capacity of armament or military power of the nation. Therefore, the military-industrial complex is not only exhibited on the foreign relationships among nations, but the growth of the military power itself. For instance, after World War II ended, the United States, as the strongest nation in military power due to the drop of the two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended the war, decided to keep short the Soviet Union and stop the spreading of the communist ideas, not only in their own nation, but to keep it from spreading in Europe and Asia. And by doing so, the United States needed to create military alliances with smaller nations, offer them protection from external threats, and secure them with an increase in weaponry. So, the United States needed to expand their own military and weaponry industry, thus applying the concept of military-industry complex, where the government increased the investment for national defense and arms production. Therefore, during the Cold War, both nations started to expand their armies, experiment new military technology, and invest more and more over the foreign

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