Cold War Dbq Essay

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After the callous Nazi regime surrender and the war ending in Europe; many places and lives were destroyed. In the Soviet Union, over 28 million people lost their lives. Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, made it a priority to secure the Soviet Union’s power after the war. This lead to him wanting to spread the communist ideology or seek world domination. The Soviet Union, aggressively, ended up forming communist based governments in states they liberated. Many Western Nation in Europe saw the Soviets actions as a threat to global democracy. The Soviet Union wanted to maintain their power and spread their communist ideology throughout the world. A longtime democracy advocate, the United States came to Europe’s aid. Through the Marshall Plan, the …show more content…

This purge struck fear on Western Europe and many nations like the United Kingdom, who was badly damaged by the war, wondered if they were next. In document 1, then prime minister Winston Churchill said, “... an iron curtain has descended across the continent… All these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow.” Prime Minister Churchill proclaims the beginning of the Cold War, he also faults the Soviet Union on commencing the Cold War. Admittedly, Churchill is supported by the United States and will obviously blame the Soviets for the start of the Cold War. In document 3, the United States knowing the severe situation in Europe came to an aide. Although the US’s action is seen to benefit them in most ways, their recognition of the crisis and effort to help should be gone unnoticed. The US seen as a great opposer of the communist regime and throughout history has helped many nation fight for their freedom. They had helped the non-communist Koreans free themselves from their brainwashed Koreans and Afghan people from culture stripping Soviet. At the end pro-democracy nation of the North Atlantic area joined forces as in treat known today as NATO, as mentioned document 4 The author's point of view of this article probably be pro-western; this is shown through the phrase used by the author.Notably________________________ and ______________________ In conclusion, the Soviet Union caused a political divide with the people of Eastern Europe; which lead to a physical division of the European

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