Colin Peternick Quotes

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Final Essay “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend (Word, Melody Beattie. 2012)”. People have their own different opinion. If someone gives opinion, other people will embrace or refute. “We as human beings, must be willing to accept people who are different from ourselves (Jordan, 2017).” This quote from Barbara Jordan which means as human, people must accept people who have different opinions. American Flag Stands for Tolerance and Colin Kaepernick interview embraces Jordan’s quote, but Tomi Lahren Destroys Colin Kaepernick Jordan’s quote. In “American …show more content…

Colin Kaepernick said all the people need to freedom, liberty and justice. “That’s something that needs to change that’s something that no this country stands freedom, liberty, justice for all (Colin Kaepernick, 2016).” Colin Kaepernick thinks people have to need freedom, liberty and justice. Because all of the people have right to live equal. Also, don’t discriminate the people with their racist. So, Colin Kaepernick said his own opinion to people. Therefore, it is similar with Brabara Jordan’s …show more content…

Tomi Lahren said “It’s this country the country that you have so much disdain for that allows you the right to speak your mind to protect your right to the whiny indulgent attention-seeking crybaby (Tomi Lehren, 2016).” People have right to express their own opinion. But, in this quotation, Tomi Lahren ignored Colin’s opinion and did not respect his own opinion. So, Tomi Lahren didn’t Colin’s opinion. Therefore, it is not similar with Brabara Jordan’s quote. In conclusion, all the people have right to express their act and think. And the other people have to accept their opinion and respect. In “American Flag Stands for Tolerance” and “Colin Kaepernick interview” these two methods are express their opinion by freely. But, in “Tomi Lahren Destroys Colin Kaepernick” this method did not respect Colin’s opinion and ignored him and his opinion. Therefore, people have to listen the other people’s opinion carefully and respect