Collaborative Proactive Goals

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The student that I chose to work with has 3 goals that I am monitoring. Each goal has 2 parts, so in reality, I am monitoring 6 things with his goals. Below is each of the goals and a summary of what I am doing with the student and how the student is responding to the interventions. Goal 1: In 36 weeks **** when given instruction and practice, will demonstrate his ability to interact with adults and peers by using appropriate communication skills while expressing his feelings, his needs, and seeking help in a positive fashion 80% of observed times. The student was not making progress using his current BIP, so as a team, we started a new BIP. For this goal, we used Collaborative Proactive Solutions (CPS). This was helping with his outbursts and destructive behaviors. We worked on asking for a break or to talk with someone. He started communicating with staff and asking for what he needed We …show more content…

Daily assignments/tests will be completed on time 90% of the time with 70% accuracy or better on presented …show more content…

As we address the mental health component, his lagging social skills should start to develop toward his same age peers. He seems much younger socially then his age. When anything in his environment is not "perfect" then it is hard for him to focus on anything else. He gets tunnel vision and nothing can happen until the problem is fixed. At times these problems are not things we can fix. This is were working with the mental health professionals has been extremely important to this students ongoing progress. Before we can make significant progress on his IEP goals, these mental health issues need to be supported and coping skills put into practice. This takes time, however the relationship building and trust that has developed will help us make progress faster, as these other issues get

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