College Admissions Essay: The Graphic Design Club

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Not everyone has dreams for the future starting at a young age. Anesthesiologists, physical therapists, and many other professionals were probably unaware their jobs even existed when they were young. I, for instance, was oblivious to the world surrounding me for most of my childhood. Coming from a Hispanic family with an education no further than a high school diploma, I had no idea college existed nor that being a millionaire required having a job or winning the lottery. Since then, I have come a long way. Although many would assume being disconnected from the world throughout my childhood would lead me to amount to nothing due to the lack of awareness, I strongly believe having no outside influence into what I want to become in the future …show more content…

Since I dislike rejecting opportunities before attempting them, I have dedicated my time to around 12 different clubs. Despite being involved in many different extracurricular activities, I have stayed loyal throughout all four years to only a select few. The Graphic Design club is one of the few clubs I have been an active member of my entire high school life. My love for art has been something I have carried along with me since I was young. Throughout my elementary years, I would spend my free time tracing, drawing, and coloring. When middle school came around, my favorite class became Art, and I would try as hard as possible to make the projects and assignments to the best of my ability. Due to my developed interest in art and technology, I made the decision to join Graphic Design my freshman year in high school. Since then I have taken Principles of Advertising and Design, Graphic Design, Art-I (Graphic Arts), and Advanced Graphic Design. I have tried my best to take at least one class of Graphic Design each year to continue putting my skills into practice. Once senior year crept upon me, I was out of classes to take relating to graphic design. Despite this, I was determined to continue class with my Graphic Design instructor, Mr. Chapa, therefore, I managed to convince the magnet dean to allow me to have office block and work as his assistant for one