College Admissions Essay-The Truth About Food

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The Truth About Food

Hey ladies,

I'm just sitting here hanging out on my porch with my puppy dog and it's a beautiful day. I have something that's a little scary to share that I just feel like if I don't share it I would be doing you a disservice.

This Three Letter Word

Today I'm going to talk about a little three-letter-word,

S-I-N = Sin, and how it plays out when it comes to at least my food addiction and my emotions and my relationship with food.

I'm mostly talking to other women who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and other people that are doing this journey when it comes to food and working on getting free from food.

Check Out My Video

I was listening to one of my favorite speakers the other day and he made it really clear. …show more content…

Being Clear About What I Am Doing Brings Freedom

For me this idea really made it clear, because it's just like I make a promise to myself, “I’m not going to eat sugar or I’m not going to eat cake” or whatever it is and I feel tempted and I fall into it anyway.

It's like, “I'm only hurting myself; it's no big deal.” But the truth is I'm sinning. It's a promise that I’ve made to myself and to God. Sometimes people might have a conversation with the Lord and He gives them ideas of what to eat or what not to eat and then if we do what He is asking us not to that is also sin.

Overeating Is Destroying God's Plan for Life

Moving into this more of a clear idea of how overeating is destroying my life and knowing that when I go ahead and break a promise to myself or a promise to God or do something that I know I shouldn't be doing, that’s sin and it's no different than any other sin and that breaks God's heart. Hopefully this gives you freedom. It’s not like I'm sharing this to judge but when we know things, the truth will set us free. This is truth. Sin is when you do something that you know is wrong and you do it