College Admissions Essay: The Value Of Reading

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I used to read a lot when I was younger. I did not have many friends nor did I have cable, but I did have a local library. Reading provided me an outlet, and I would read “ lose myself and to find myself at the same time” (Imani Mosley). I would go through books very quickly, and when I was out, I would always have a book in hand. I was always reading, but once I entered middle school, I put down the books. I am not completely sure why I stopped; all I know is that I wish I had not stopped. Because of my lack of reading, I have struggled with being as creative as I used to be and with understanding people and schoolwork. Right now, more than ever, it is very important that I begin to become a better communicator and a more critical thinker. …show more content…

Instead of reaching for the television’s remote at night, I will try to reach for a book. It is time that I begin to read all the books that I have been wanting to but have been too “busy” for. By including an hour worth of reading, I know that I will receive life long benefits. I will be more happy because of the fact that “reading has been shown to help prevent stress, depression, and dementia, while enhancing confidence, empathy, decision-making, and overall life satisfaction” (article 1). I also want to expand my knowledge with the books I read, so I will have to venture out of my comfort zone by reading autobiographies rather than just novels. I do not imagine myself as anything less than ultra successful, so I must transition to more educational books. Incorporating reading into my daily routine is way overdue, but it is better late than …show more content…

I knew there was something wrong with watching television while on my phone, but I just thought that it was me feeling guilty for being lazy. By not allowing my brain to focus on one task, I am permitting “[increased] production of cortisol, the stress hormone”( article 3). My socalled skill is one of the reasons I am stressed and mentally exhausted. I need to begin to focus on just one activity for the sake of my sanity. Without constant stress, my productivity will be everything I have always wanted it to be. I will be able to be more involved in conversations, and I will also be able to bring more insight into all that I apply myself

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