College Admissions Essay: Why I Love My Life

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The life I was given is amazing I love my family, they are the kind of family where love never stops, but I need to leave. I would be the first to graduate in my family and that makes me extremely happy. For all of those years where I used to look out through the window and thought to myself, "I want to be that." Of course I was referring to a doctor, dentist, and even an actress. More realistically my passions have always been scattered, mainly because I feel like I do not fit in with everyone else. Looking around in a room full of people and seeing what their interests are disappoints me. I want to be in a room full of minds like mine, because thinking outside of the box is far more interesting than thinking like everyone else. Then again …show more content…

When I am running it feels like I am running away from my problems and the stress that comes with it. I remember my sophomore year and how much I hated myself, it is ironic how peoples comments leave a print on a brain. I have always been focused on my studies, but I did not make the best choice of friends back then and in return I learned a valuable lesson. The way I felt that year lonely, useless, and invisible is what I never want to feel again. That is what led to a bottle of pills down my stomach, and I regret every single second of it. Here I am, a smart girl who let the best of other peoples comments get to her, and almost caused me my life. The most important part of this is that I learned that there are actual problems going on in the world, people are dying on a day to day basis in other countries. My life is what I make of it and what I choose to do with it. I want to help people, kids, and anyone I can make a difference in. To this day I have not forgotten who I am, my life matters just like everyone else, I am strong, independent, and smart. Never did I think I would be able to run, swim, or even drive because of my