College Essay On Dysgraphia

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I have dyslexia and dysgraphia. Learning in the traditional classroom environment is not natural for me. In fact, it is extremely difficult. From a very young age I have had intervention at home to teach me “coping skills”. To me, that felt like more time spent doing work and less time available to complete my long, arduous assignments, or doing other things of my choosing. I struggled with this all the way though middle school. Only after I was in high school did I begin to realize how these coping skill helped me and the benefits this afforded me. Not only did it help me by being able to break down words into their components. It also helped me better understand about myself and what learning styles were most effective for me. Finally, my tutor gave me another sounding board when I was struggling. …show more content…

She was always there to support me, however, would not engaged with any teachers until I had made the attempt for myself. This forced me to speak up, to get to know all my teachers and to make sure all my teachers knew me. At first, it was awkward, but through time, I developed the confidence to interact with all my teachers. I wasn’t always successful, but through time I got better at explaining myself. I found that as my teachers got to know me, and knew that I really wanted to learn, they were able to work with me in ways I could be