College Girl Laura Grey-Rosendale Analysis

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emoir to Support Theory

As a memoir, the idea of knowledge claims as it relates to College Girl, by Laura Gray-Rosendale, seems a bit more open to interpretation. But while Laura Gray-Rosendale is not claiming scientific fact through her story, she shares what she experienced and how it affected her, and, to her, that is her fact. Her claim of knowledge pertains to how her own experiences affected her and shaped her for the time period to come. Throughout the process of her story, Gray-Rosendale makes claims or states what was fact for her. She asserts that this attack was unprovoked and unexpected, that the contrast of life before and after the event is incomparable, that the event was unimaginably disturbing and scarring, that the aftermath …show more content…

Gray-Rosendale’s knowledge of her own experience is able to be legitimized as she draws on the use of some of these criteria in order to establish the standpoint with which she approaches her narrative. Laura Gray-Rosendale tells her story. With complete transparency, she reports the scene of her rape. And in her own way, she makes claims about what this means in the lives of women and what affect it had on her. And to do so, she made use of many of this criteria that many feminists use to support their knowledge, including: “(1) what forms of reasoning this knowledge claim depends on… (4) whom this knowing feminist speaks for, why and with what authority… [and] (8) what normative framework structures this process of knowledge production” (Ramazanoglu, 138). While the entire book is written as a personal account, I drawspecifically on what is perhaps the most pivotal, extreme, and intense portion of the book: the rape and attack scene and the immediately surrounding events, both leading up to the event and the immediate responses that ensued. Though the whole book functions as sufficient evidence, this particular section is written from the most extreme standpoint, thereby creating even greater necessity for the establishing of background and point of view for the