Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson

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There are many vulnerable populations in the book “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson, They all affected me in different ways. Out of all the populations Woman in jail had the most significance to me. One of the women in the book named Marsha, was pregnant with her seventh child. One day she was feeling ill and decided to take a warm bath to relax in the tub. The family didn’t tell anyone about her stillbirth and they keep a burial for the baby that only included the people who lived in their home. One of her nosy neighbors contacted the police after noticing Marsha didn’t have a baby with her and was no longer pregnant. The neighbor notified the police and that made the officers question Marsha. They offended her with their questioning and she responded in a way that was made them think she did. they continued their investigation and Lewellen noticed the marked grave beside the Colbey’s home. Marsha admitted to it being the baby’s burial site, Unexpectedly, she was arrested weeks after …show more content…

I could have been any one of the women in this book. They were treated l like they didn’t exist, their opinions and feelings weren’t valued, their freedom and rights were taken away from them. Hundreds of women were falsely accused of nonviolent crimes and never got the forensic help they needed. Hundreds of women were given the death penalty and life in prison for little crimes, like writing fake checks to Toys R Us for one hundred and fifty dollars. These women looked to the justice system to be there for them. However, the justice system failed and I couldn’t understand how the trails were not taken seriously. How You Get Sentenced before proven guilty? How could someone be given the death penalty without getting the evidence you need to be sure? How could you be satisfied with the real person who did the crime being free? And the person who didn’t being charged for