Colonization In North Carolina

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In North Carolina from the first attempts of colonization in the 1580’s to the corruption of the government officials leading up to the Revolutionary war one thing, and that was effective leadership. Because of ineffective leadership, the colonists starved and died out in some instances, they were cheated out of money, were made too dependent on the Indians, led to the dehumanization of slaves, many uprisings, and many more issues. These were some of the many problems that led to the break away from England in order to start their own government. There were numerous people that led to this break away and led to the development of North Carolina and those main people were the Native Americans, African Americans/ slaves, and the groups that …show more content…

Despite the fact that they were willing to help the colonists, the colonists had quickly disregarded them and called them savages. Thomas Hariot, who described the “New World” to be so beautiful quickly belittled the Indians “ But how manie yeeres or ages haue passed since, they say they can make no relation, hauing no letters nor other such meanes as we to keepe recordes of the particularities of times past, but onelie tradition from father to sonne”(Hariot pg. 26). Overtime the Indians became agitated with losing their land, the most famous account of the Indians becoming fed up was the Tuscarora War, where the Tuscarora Indians rose up and fought the colonists and they would have probably won if they would have gotten help from the neighboring tribes. However, they lost and were sentenced by the colonists to live on reservations. After feeling like they had full control over the Indians they moved onto controlling another group, African Americans, or also known as the …show more content…

Those people are not the settlers they are the people who helped the settlers for if it was not for them the colonists would not have been able to survive nor prosper. These people also played a huge role in the American Revolution by joining together to fight the British. Another key factor in understanding how North Carolina came to be is the political problems they had. There were numerous rebellions and groups who stood together to make their voices heard. It became evident to them that the way North Carolina was being led was not they way they wanted to go. They wanted freedom and the right to elect their own politicians and they were able to obtain that in 1776 after the United States declared