
Coming To America In William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation

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Coming to the Americas benefitted the settlers because it provided opportunities for them that they couldn’t have in the lands that they came from.
Everyone who came here looking for something, whether it be freedom in certain beliefs, land, fortune, or just somewhere this new land has provided to start anew.
For this reason, coming to America was, and still is for seeking opportunity.
In the full story Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford talks about the Devil and how he tries to fight their religious beliefs, Christianity.
The English reformers were rejected and persecuted in their own country at a time when religious freedom wasn’t seen as a basic right in England.
In the end, the decision for moving to another region for religious …show more content…

Balboa recognizes his opportunity to find the new ocean. He wants to make this discovery so much, he made his own followers wait at the bottom of the mountain that he treks up just so they can’t take the credit.
Balboa ended up having enough power and influence over people that the king of his own country ordered his execution. He needed opportunity to free himself of debt and the thought of discovering new land for his country would do the trick. In the story Blaxicans, the author seems to look at immigrants in a negative light. When immigrants first came into the Americas, they were looking for a chance for a better life. An opportunity (eh, eh? My theme?) to seek a brand new life in a land different from where they came. Now that so many of people have come here, we can see that some immigrants would like to continue to see some new opportunity. Opportunity for people to stop seeing them as a certain race. A lot of people are bent over the fact that others refer to them as a certain race when they would like to be just a regular human being or a different because of the culture they practice instead of what they are born

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