Command Pass Coordinator Case Study

194 Words1 Pages
SUPERIOR PERFROMANCE IN ALL ASPECTS; A TRUE FORCE MULITPLIER, AN ABSOLUTE MUST SELECT FOR CHIEF PETTY OFFICER! - SUPERIOR TECHNICAL EXPERTISE. As Admin Officer and Command Pass Coordinator, she maintained, tracked, and processed over 300 correspondence items for 30 personnel resulting in 100 percent accountability; efforts critical to the accomplishment of command mission. - SUPBERB PROGRAM MANAGER. As Command Career Counselor, she mentored 25 Sailors on career intentions and Career Development Boards, resulting in a grade of 98 percent during FY-16 ISIC inspection, a 12 percent increase from previous assessment. As Urinalysis Program Coordinator, she managed 50 samples with zero discrepancies. Additionally, she coordinated Det Okinawa 's

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