Chief Madison Accomplishments

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Chief Madison is an exceptionally hard-working professional, who personifies the core values of our Navy. He expertly carries out the leadership of a Chief Petty Officer and is a constant source of encouragement and inspiration to those around him, continually improving the performance level of the command and Fleet in all areas. His exemplary deckplate leadership, technical expertise, professionalism, loyalty, moral character, strong sense of heritage, commitment to equality and diversity make him a perfect candidate for the 2016 MCPO Anna Der-Vartanian Award recipient. Some of his specific accomplishments include: Transformational Mentor and Teacher: Established an impressive mentorship program from the ground-up at a four star command for 155 …show more content…

As a member of this command, and because of his compassionate, honest, and enthusiastic character, he has been the mostly highly sought after Chief Madison to be Sailors’ mentor. This has been especially so for the female Sailors of this command, in large part because he understands the challenges that women face both day-today, and in the Navy. This has led to increased morale, and with most of his mentees seeking greater leadership roles in their respective Departments. As husband of an active-duty enlisted female Sailor, Chief Madison has been a positive influence on his spouse career and outlook. His mentoring and guidance has motivated and influenced his spouse to achieve greater leadership roles in her command and more importantly to stay Navy and make a difference. Not coincidentally, his representation and integration of female in the Navy have resulted in his two younger sisters enlisting in the Navy. Both sisters have turned to him consistently for guidance as they work on their careers and develop as