Commentary Essay On Shopping And Other Spiritual Adventures In America Today

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Commentary Essay on Shopping and Other Spiritual Adventures in America Today The American people are focusing more on materialistic items, people are shopping for pleasure more than necessity. This article comments on how people are shopping to release stress or to gain pleasure. Even though the article was written in 1984, it is still pertinent to modern time. In Shopping and Other Spiritual Adventures in America Today by Phyllis Rose, varied sentence length, different point of views, and anaphora are utilized to prove that society is becoming consumed in materialism. The sentence length is varied throughout the article; long sentences connected by commas and short, simple sentences are frequently found in the article. The long sentences are used to relate similar thoughts and exaggerate points. She uses a plethora of commas to create the illusion of a long list, as if the idea or scenario continue indefinitely. She does this when she describes that “some people may find it dull to cross the country and find the same chain stores with the same merchandise from coast to coast, but it means that my town is as great as yours, my shopping mall as important as yours, equally filled with wonder.” These ideas are similar so she uses commas to continue the thought, there is not a …show more content…

Before the anaphora she explains what “shopping” is, then uses anaphora to provide the different reasons one may shop. These reasons show that shopping is not about obtaining necessities, the modern day has transformed shopping to provide many other benefits. It demonstrates that some people are becoming reliant on shopping to attain benefits such as decision making, be apart of society, or to cheer themselves up. These other benefits display why people enjoy shopping and are becoming more