Commerce Clause Essay

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The common interpretation of commerce is the dividing line between federal and state power. This deliberately splits the responsibility over closely connected activities. The founders did this because protecting liberty was more important than regulatory coordination. The effect of the commerce clause has varied depending on the US Supreme Court’s interpretation. Since it can be argued that commerce encompasses many facets of everyday life in the United States, if regulations don’t seem relevant to interstate commerce then the Commerce Clause is used to justify federal regulations. The Supreme Court has translated the commerce clause to give exclusive power to regulate commerce among the states. This is known as the positive aspect of the commerce clause. There is also a negative view, also known as dormant …show more content…

Free Speech is a human right and technically the only circumstance in which you do not have this right is if it is causing harm to others. Unfortunately, I would say the right to free speech depends on who you are, what you are saying and where you are saying it, I don’t feel this is fair, but it is reality. We all have different point of views and different ways of life and while we all have freedom of speech, so does everyone else. People who are willing to express how they feel need to be prepared for some form of retaliation because not everyone is going to see eye to eye and someone will have an opinion that is different from theirs, and will more than likely exercise their right to freedom of speech.

C. Due Process is a legal requirement that states that everyone has the right to receive their legal rights. Due Process protects individuals from the law of the land and balances the power of the laws of the land. Due process is violated if the government doesn’t follow the exact course of the law. Due process is basically providing each defendant in the court system with the same process to ensure that nothing is missed or